June is National Safety Month. The National Safety Council (NSC) maps out a topic for each week. The main objective for National Safety Month is to stay safe at work and home to prevent injuries, illnesses, and deaths. According to the NSC, preventable injuries or “accidents” are the 4th leading cause of U.S. deaths.
Important takeaways include:
- Learn – Learn about important safety topics
- Share – Share your safety pride; post the Go Green for Safety sign from the NSC and hashtag #gogreenforsafety
- Pledge – Commit to safety from the workplace to anyplace
Week 1: June 1st – 10th is Emergency Preparedness
Week 2: June 11th – 17th is Slips, Trips, and Falls
Week 3: June 18th—24th is Heat-Related Illness
Week 4: June 25th – 30th is Hazard Recognition
Join JJ Safety in celebrating National Safety Month by posting the Go Green for Safety sign and participating in each week’s safety topic.