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Cyber Security

Cyber Security is described as the collective measures, technologies, and processes to protect the confidentiality and availability of computer systems, networks, and data against any cyber security attacks or unauthorized access.



Cyber Security standards are typically set by different government agencies such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), National Security Agency (NSA), and many others.


Cyber Security is described as the collective measures, technologies, and processes to protect the confidentiality and availability of computer systems, networks, and data against any cyber security attacks or unauthorized access.

Government Requirements:





Who Needs this Training?

Workers who use company technology, and computers, or who have access to company data may use this training to prevent cyber security attacks and security breaches to protect important company data.

Dangers of Remaining Uncertified

Employees who remain untrained may be at risk of falling victim to cyber security or phishing attacks which could leak personal or company information to hackers.

Included Topics:

By the end of this course, we will have covered the following topics:

Introduction – 0:17

Topic 1: Introduction – 1:44

Topic 2: Security Protection and Prevention – 5:56

Topic 3: Phishing Attack Prevention – 1:41

Topic 4: Security Incident and Communications Management – 1:30

Topic 5: Security and Privacy Training – 1:14

Summary – 0:44


Annual recertification is recommended.