The Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Lead Awareness standards 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Subpart I, Subpart Z and 1926 Subpart D contain requirements for lead operations.
Government Regulations:
Who Needs this Training?
Any worker who may be exposed to harmful levels of lead while on the job, are required to have lead awareness training.
Dangers of Remaining Uncertified:
Workers who are not trained may not understand how to avoid risks and health hazards, which could lead to injuries.
Included Topics:
Introduction – 0:17
Topic 1: Introduction to Lead – 1:35
Topic 2: Risk of Lead Exposure – 2:12
Topic 3: Permissible Exposure Limit for Lead – 1:00
Topic 4: Lead Hazard Controls – 1:25
Topic 5: Monitoring for lead Exposure – 2:01
Topic 6: Medical Surveillance and Recordkeeping – 2:46
Topic 7: Housekeeping – 3:50
Summary – 0:24
Course Layout:
Course format consists of video instruction, intermediate quizzes, and Final Knowledge Check.
Course Duration:
A minimum of 25 minutes is required to complete this course.
OSHA requires annual recertification for workers where occupational exposure takes place.
Certificate of Completion:
A completion certificate is available for printing immediately upon successfully finishing the course.