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Substance Abuse at Work

Substance Abuse at Work

One of the easiest ways to avoid drugs and alcohol is to – Just Say NO, however, this is not always the case. Substance abuse can cause production and safety issues in the workplace. In the construction industry, where workers rely on each other, it can lead to more serious consequences. According to the CDC, an estimated 46 million Americans, ages 18 or older, experienced a substance use disorder in 2022. Nearly 2/3’s of those people were employed.

Workplace impairment means a worker is unfit to safely perform a task. When you are impaired on the job, you are more susceptible to injuries or injuring others. The most common causes of impairment may include:

  • Alcohol
  • Recreational cannabis
  • Or, illegal or prescribed drugs

Impairment from substances cause changes in the body and the mind. These changes can affect someone’s ability to work safely, which puts themselves, coworkers, and others in danger. Some effects of impairment include:

  • Impaired judgment, thinking, or decision making
  • Decreased motor coordination, reaction time, focus, and sensory perception
  • Psychological or stress-related effects
  • Or, theft or physical damage


Working under the influence of alcohol is extremely dangerous. Tests have shown that alcohol can still influence the body up to 18 hours after a person stops drinking. If you notice a coworker drinking on the job, do not:

  • Cover for their poor productivity
  • Cover their mistakes
  • Make excuses on their behalf
  • Or, allow them to continue working while impaired

If you do notice an impaired worker, notify a supervisor of your concerns.

Illegal/Prescription Drug Use

Illegal Drug Use

Drugs can impair judgment, individual performance, and put their life or other lives in danger. Drugs can stay in the body for an extended period of time. For example, cannabis can stay in the body for up to 28 days. Symptoms to watch out for that may indicate drug use may include:

  • Unusual odors
  • Slurred speech
  • Dilated or constricted eyes
  • Emotional issues (agitated or irritable behaviors)
  • Or, drowsiness

Prescription Drug Use

The most common side effect of prescribed/non prescribed (over-the-counter) drugs is drowsiness. Drowsiness is dangerous as it can reduce the level of alertness and may decrease your reaction time. Working with heavy machinery, vehicles, and other hazardous tools, can be dangerous when under the influence of prescribed medications. If you are taking prescribed medication, remember the following:

  • Let your supervisor know
  • Follow recommended dosages
  • Do not mix medications or take with alcohol
  • Read the label and heed the warnings
  • And, do not try new medications during work hours

Note: Some medications may state that it is not advised to operate heaving machinery or vehicles while taking the medication.

Worker Responsibilities

Workers have certain responsibilities related to drug and alcohol use at work. It is your responsibility to:

  • Understand your company’s Drug-Free Workplace policy (if your company has one)
  • Follow the policy and set a good example to others by working drug and alcohol-free
  • Seek help if you or your coworker(s) needs it
  • And, notify management if you observe the use of or impairment from drugs or alcohol that may threaten the health and safety of employees

If you directly observe drug-free workplace policy violations or obvious, on the job impairment that you believe poses an immediate danger:

  • Do not delay or ignore the situation
  • Stop the worker from working impaired or in an unsafe manner
  • And, notify a supervisor immediately

It is also important to be willing to be wrong. When your safety and that of your coworkers are on the line, it is better to be safe than sorry. Report the suspected impairment and let the supervisor handle it from there.

Note: Changes in behavior are not always due to drug use. Familiarize yourself with signs and symptoms of drug and alcohol use.


Addressing substance abuse in the workplace is crucial for maintaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment. Recognizing the signs, providing support for affected employees, and implementing clear policies can help prevent the negative impacts of substance abuse on both individuals and the organization as a whole.

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