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National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

In honor of National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (March 18-24), we are going to dive into myths vs facts surrounding drug and alcohol abuse!
Myth 1: Drinking alcohol before going to bed can help with sleep issues.
Fact 1: Drinking alcohol before going to bed worsens the quality of sleep. It may help you fall asleep faster, but it can interfere with sleep cycles.
Myth 2: I can’t get addicted to my prescription drugs.
Fact 2: Just because some medications are prescribed does not mean you cannot become addicted to them. Prescription drugs like opiates and benzodiazepines are highly addictive. These medications shall be taken with caution.
Myth 3: “Natural” drugs including cannabis, mushrooms, or peyote are safer than man-made synthetic drugs.
Fact 3: These substances may be natural, but they are still mind-altering and can impact brain chemistry. Just because natural drugs are grown in the ground does not mean they won’t produce consequential side effects.
Myth 4: All it takes to stop being addicted to alcohol and drugs is willpower.
Fact 4: It does take willpower to want to quit but it takes more than determination to maintain sobriety. It takes intensive treatment, support, regular recovery meeting attendance, and on-going self-work.

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