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Prysmian Group signs up with ISNetworld®!

ISNetworld, Prysmian Group, Safety Compliance,

Prysmian Group is one of the latest companies to join ISNetworld® and take advantage of their contractor management network. 

Prysmian Group is a developer of electrical and fiber optic cables for use in the energy and telecommunications industries. With over 140 years of cumulative experience, Prysmian Group has a long history and has always been at the forefront of striving to meet evolving customer needs. The history of the business charts the history of the cable industry itself, marked by many major milestones along the way, which cement their reputation as an early adopter and industry pioneer. The Prysmian Group company originated in 1879 as Pirelli Cavi e Sistemi. In 1881, it secured a contract to produce submarine telegraph cables for military engineering. 

In December 2017, Prysmian Group bought the American company General Cable out of Kentucky. The merger resulted in the company being present in 50 countries with over 31,000 employees. Today Prysmian Group is the global leader in cable systems. Specifically in laying underground and submarine cables for the transmission and distribution of electricity as well as specialized cables for many different industrial uses.  

ISNetworld® formed in 2001, as a pioneer of contractor management and supply chain vetting. They currently have over 75,000 contractors and nearly 700 hiring clients in their network.   

Prysmian Group contractors will need to sign up with ISNetworld® to be considered in the contractor selection process. There is a fee associated with ISN® membership but Prysmian Group believes the benefits outweigh the costs by far. For contractors who already have an existing ISN® account, no additional fee is required, but will need to make sure they are connected with Prysmian Group in ISNetworld®. Prysmian Group Contractors will need to complete the following prequalification elements in ISN®:

  • Company profile
  • EHS (Environmental, Health, and Safety) Questionnaire
  • EHS Written Programs
  • Proof of Insurance
  • OSHA Forms
  • Other documentation as required 

Contractors have until April 14th, 2022, to complete all required ISN® compliance and certification elements to earn compliance with the Prysmian Group within ISN®. 

How JJ Safety Can Help

JJ Safety helps contractors gain certification and compliance in platforms like ISNetworld®, Avetta®, Veriforce and many others. We have helped over six thousand contractors get qualified in these contractor management platforms. If you need to gain compliance with Prysmian Group in ISN®, here’s how we can help:

RAVS® (Written Safety Programs) – Whether you are dealing with the RAVS® section in ISN® or safety programs for another platform – JJ Safety guarantees a 100% on all written programs we submit for your company. 

HSE (Health, Safety and Environmental) Questionnaire – JJ Safety will complete the questionnaire to best reflect your company. Since most of the questionnaire is based on the safety programs (that we write for you), we know each question’s significance to your score.   

Training documentation – JJ Safety will provide awareness level training to your company and collect or create a roster. With roster in hand, we upload your safety training certification and rosters to ISN® on your behalf. If you’re looking for a full comprehensive training program, we offer a variety of topics. We also have online training options.   

OSHA Forms and other regulatory documentation – JJ Safety will gather this information for you. If you don’t have OSHA 300 and 300A forms, we will make them for you and upload them to your account.  We will also compare each incident on your OSHA 300 logs with the OSHA Recordkeeping Handbook to prevent overreporting.

Insurance – JJ Safety will work directly with your insurance company to ensure the correct verbiage, endorsements and coverage is evidenced, saving you time and money.

Ongoing management – because even when you are done, you’re never actually done in ISNetworld®, JJ Safety offers annual account management services, so even after you have reached ISN® certification and compliance – we keep your account up to date by completing monthly, quarterly, and annual statistical updates as well as new programs, safety training, and other requirements added by your customers.

Call 833-277-7022 or email to learn more about how we can help.

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