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Don’t Let Your TRIR Take You Down!

TRIR Total Recordable Incident Rate ISNetworld Avetta

Are you dealing with ISNetworld®, Avetta®, Compliance Pro, Veriforce, or any other contractor management / qualification platform and losing points for TRIR? If so, you are not alone. 

TRIR stands for Total Recordable Incident Rate, and was created by OSHA to help the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) measure a company’s work-related injuries. The Total Recordable Incident Rate can also be viewed as a ‘safety-score’. 

The TRIR Formula

The formula is calculated by taking the number of injuries, multiplying them by 200,000 and then dividing by the total number of hours worked for the year. This will give you your company’s TRIR for a given year. ISNetworld® hiring clients use this formula as a key indicator of the safety performance of contractors. Every industry is different, but for the most part, the general rule of thumb is to try and stay under a 2.0, but the lower, the better. 

Keeping the TRIR under 2.0 can be a challenge, especially for smaller companies. The formula to calculate the TRIR is not small business friendly. For example, if you have 40 employees that worked roughly 2000 hours for the year (2080 is full time at 40 hours a week) You would have approximately 80000 total hours clocked. And if you had 1 recordable injury for the year, you would have a TRIR of 2.5.  A single incident can put a small company above that 2.0 threshold, whereas a company with 100 full-time employees, your TRIR would be less than one. 

The TRIR and ISNetworld®

If you’re a small business required to become or remain approved in contractor management platforms like ISNetworld®, Avetta®, or Compliance Pro, this is not good news. In fact, it is a huge problem for smaller-sized companies since TRIR is one of the main criteria hiring companies use to determine a contractor’s risk-level. It is not uncommon for smaller sized companies to lose bids or contracts because of a single work-related incident. 

Unfortunately, you can’t beat the formula or outwit it, and there are no tricks of the trade that will give you a better TRIR. However, you can ensure you have a solid safety program that creates a safety-minded culture to minimize the risk of injury to your workers. 

How to Mitigate the TRIR

However, some hiring companies will consider a mitigation plan If you have a high TRIR. One of the things your customer will want to see is that your company is taking all incidents that happen in your workplace seriously and have a plan to prevent future incidents. If you have a high TRIR relative to the BLS industry average for your industry – be prepared to answer the following:

  • Did you perform an incident investigation? 
  • What was the root cause of the incident or incidents? 
  • What are you doing to prevent future incidents? 
  • What type of corrective actions were taken and/or corrective measures are in place. 
  • What additional engineering or administrative controls are in place? 
  • Did the company hold any additional training and safety meetings?  


Be sure to keep thorough documentation of all the measures that have been taken and use it to put together a Mitigation Plan or Root Cause Analysis / Corrective Action Plan. 

If you aren’t sure where to start, or if you just don’t have the time, JJ Safety can help. We will gather all your documentation, or create it for you, and put together a customized mitigation plan. We will even submit it to each of your customers or ISNetworld®, Avetta® or another vetting platform. 

In addition to the mitigation plan, JJ Safety can provide other items that will help your purpose through safety training kits, online safety training, safety meetings and written safety programs

Call us today 833-277-7022 or send us an email at to learn more.

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